Angleški oratorij

Od 22. do 26 avgusta so se pri sestrah HMP na Gornjem trgu v Ljubljani zbirali otroci na Angleškem oratoriju. Takole so ga opisali:
“At this year’s English oratory we have got to know the life of a little Pinocchio. Every day we were following the steps of Pinocchio and learning from his mistakes. Every morning we gathered at 9 a.m. and started the day with a morning prayer. Then we split into four groups and each group had a catechesis with their animator. After that we continued by creating in »workshops«. We have made a lot of masterpieces like puppets, guitars, sweets and small purses. At 1 p.m. we had lunch and after that some free time. When the free time was over we went to the park near Ljubljana’s castle, where we had “big games”. Then the time to go home suddenly arrived. On Wednesday we walked to Golovec. Our goal was to get to Rakovnik, where we celebrated a holy mass. We will miss the oratory and Pinocchio. Even if this oratory has just finished, we cannot wait for another one!”